
Digital Arts Consulting launches DAC Robotics Service.

Two types of support are available, depending on the scale and needs, to improve business productivity through scalable RPA implementation

Digital Arts Consulting, Inc. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Tadao Matsumoto; hereinafter "Digital Arts Consulting"), a CISO service (security consulting service) provider for enterprise environments that require advanced cyber security measures, will begin offering a "Security Solution Implementation Service" utilizing the Next Generation Security Platform, a product of Palo Alto Networks, Inc(Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Chairman and President: Hiroshi Arii; hereinafter referred to as "Palo Alto Networks"). With cyber attacks becoming more sophisticated and diverse every day, companies must take comprehensive security measures and must introduce, manage, and operate multiple security products and functions.
This situation has increased demand for next-generation firewalls that reduce management and operational burdens, centralize network threat management, and consolidate security functions.
At the same time, however, there is a challenge to secure human resources with advanced knowledge of cyber security who can install and manage these products. Therefore, Digital Arts Consulting, utilizing its consulting experience and knowledge in the field of cyber security that it has accumulated at various companies, has developed a "security solution implementation service" that utilizes Palo Alto Networks' "Next Generation Security Palo Alto Networks' "Next Generation Security Platform," which has a strong track record in the enterprise firewall market, will begin offering "Security Solution Installation Service.

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Against the backdrop of a declining working population in Japan and the government's promotion of work style reform, RPA is attracting attention as a means to effectively utilize the labor force and improve productivity.
However, the high consulting and development costs involved in implementing RPA, as well as inadequate work organization and robot design, have prevented many end-user companies from enjoying the true value of RPA.
Digital Arts Consulting has been handling RPA products since September 2018, and now offers the DAC Robotics Service, which clears the above issues and creates unprecedentedly high RPA implementation effectiveness.
Based on our experience in many business process improvement projects and our knowledge of security governance cultivated through security consulting, we provide comprehensive support from introduction to operation and deployment phases at a fee setting that enables early payback of RPA investment.


<Features of DAC Robotics Service

"consulting model" or the "one-package model," depending on the client's needs. In the consulting model, we support the formulation and implementation of a fundamental business process improvement plan, and then introduce RPA as a tool for business process improvement to improve the client's business productivity.
In the one-package model, RPA is quickly introduced and expanded in an agile manner to achieve continuous improvement of business productivity.
In both models, the main focus is on maximizing the return on investment in RPA implementation, so that customers can enjoy the inherent benefits of RPA.


DAC Robotics Service offerings

In addition, both types of RPA service can be provided with RPA product licenses for Winactor and BizRobo! Our experienced consultants will propose the most suitable RPA solution, taking into consideration the customer's needs and future scalability.
Through the provision of this RPA introduction support service, Digital Arts Consulting aims to propose solutions to improve operational efficiency in corporate systems, which will become increasingly important in the future, and to optimize management resources and improve business productivity through the utilization of systems.

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Through the provision of this security solution implementation support service, Digital Arts Consulting aims to propose solutions to enhance the security of corporate systems, which will become increasingly important in the future, and to improve business productivity by reducing the burden of their management and operation.


WinActor is a software-type robot that learns the operations of applications on Windows terminals and automatically executes them. There is no limit to the number of applications that can be used, and WinActor can automate any type of work. By delegating routine tasks to the robot, you can focus on your core business or new business. https://winactor.com/


BizRobo! is a digital labor platform that supports the introduction and operation of software robots (Digital Labor) that revolutionize white-collar productivity. We will free white-collar workers from routine work by using "robots" and "IT" to improve the productivity of companies and society as a whole, and change the way people will work in the future. https://rpa-technologies.com/products/first/パロアルトネットワークスの次世代ファイアウォール導入後provides "Incident Response Service" to support response to security incidents (external attacks, internal information leaks, etc.). service" to assist in responding to security incidents (external attacks, internal information leaks, etc.).

*Digital Arts Consulting, DigitalArtsConsulting, and various logos and icons related to the Company and its products are trademarks or registered trademarks of Digital Arts Consulting, Inc.
*Other company and product names mentioned above are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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